Castro Liu
Castro Liu was first elected in 2010 as the Richmond Hill Councillor of Ward 3, and he is currently
serving in his fourth term. He has focused on important subject matters such as improving traffic
safety for school children, stronger neighbourhoods to prevent crime, attracting investments to help
create jobs and branding Richmond Hill as cultural and heritage destination.
A graduate of the University of Windsor’s Communication Studies Program, he has held several different positions in the radio and television broadcasting industry, including hosting television talk shows, program director and production director. As co-host of the morning talk show at Fairchild Chinese Radio for more than 20 years, Castro played an integral role in helping the show become the most-listened to
Chinese radio program in the Toronto Chinese community.
He has appeared in many advertisements
and TV/radio commercials, and is often invited to emcee major events. Castro is a strong believer in
giving back to the community and is a committed volunteer for numerous charitable organizations and
fundraising events, such as the Heart & Stroke Foundation, Princess Margaret Hospital, Yee Hong
Wellness Foundation, Sick Kids Foundation, United Way, Mon Sheong Foundation, and World Vision
Canada. He is also a recipient of the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards in 2014. He has been a
Richmond Hill resident for more than 30 years and is married with two children.
Tuesday Feb 25th, 2025